Monday, October 6, 2014

Kite Council forming

2016 Ides of March - let's fly them now Jeff.  How about Sunday we take them out to China Basin. I have a space in mind on ucsf property on the last open space in the district.  We can talk at TACEarts on Friday about it.  Wilton 415.235.3549 @wiltonwoods on Twitter or fb messenger

2014 This is what I wrote.  Just found in my Blogspot drafts.
A series of portraits by Jeff Marshall features central city and tenderloin artists who have worked together for nearly three decades in various community art studios, such as at Central City Hospitality House and at TACE/APIWELLNESS Center on Polk Street, where many of us receive treatment for AIDS and a sundry of assorted mental health issues, including substance use and  avant garde communication.
Community online
Google's groups and communities are well worth checking out and ours is proving to be a safe and fun way to start enjoying the internet's myriad of social networking possibilities. We are seriously disabled further by privacy laws and our healthcare providers shunning us online. Our ability to regain SOME position in society after suffering medical catastrophe is so seriously hampered by healthcare policies that we must form new union AROUND and in SUPPORT OF our attending agencies and in private practice form social networks that can answer questions and get things done faster and better with pertinent self serve data retrieval for client - lead case management, which is just returning folks to self sufficiency. Alas. TACEarts now has a Google community space to use.  So use it.  It's great.
Case management fir dummies is our group on facebook, for any one to join, clients,  friends, art lovers, healthcare workers lawyers bartenders witches shamen cobblers and other communities that are thriving online and teaching and reaching out to just become stronger and better. Join us and have a chat.
Kite Council, I guess,  Could be forming a group show or maybe an artists guild. Seems we could use help with our bios and emails and cellphones and cellars and so forth and so on. I won't cry if it doesn't fly.
But give it a try.  Bye bye. ww
